VFX Video | Swiss-O-Week 2019 Trailer


In our last post-production we have incorporated simple visual special effects. The so-called VFX effects are used for image manipulation to enrich the video with additional elements or remove disturbing picture elements. Unlike the SFX (special effects), this step is not done on the shoot but happens on the computer.

For the Swiss-O-Week Trailer, we had to use about a dozen VFX effects. For example, there was very bad weather on the Glacier 3000 and it had a lot of fog. With an image combination of another clip and the fog, for example, we were able to create a suitable panorama and embed it in the video (first scene). Also, logos were removed from stores or a blue sky was inserted when the pictures were over-exposed.

Watch the VFX Video of the Swiss-O-Week 2019

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Silver Bullet | Marcel Hug


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